Friday, May 11, 2012

Why gay marriage should be illegal

In response to Ms. Sweet's post about why gay marriage should be legal.

     There are a couple things wrong with your argument that I would like to correct.  First, falling in love is a choice.  When you "fall in love" you become infatuated with your significant other, and you will eventually fall out of love.

    Second, yes, the government shouldn't tell them whom they can and cannot marry, but we shouldn't even have this problem!  Homosexuality is not natural. Just look at the male and female bodies. They are obviously designed to couple. The natural design is apparent. It is not natural to couple male with male and female with female. It would be like trying to fit two screws together and to nuts together and then say, "See, it’s natural for them to go together."

In addition, political protection of a sexual practice is ludicrous. I do not believe it is proper to pass laws stating that homosexuals have 'rights.' What about pedophilia or bestiality? These are sexual practices. Should they also be protected by law? If homosexuality is protected by law, why not those as well? 


  1. I'm pretty fucking happy you're not on this earth anymore.

    1. Don't hate like he did.

    2. Is that so you can marry your fag boyfriend?

    3. Congratualtions. I have a christian we can force to bake the wedding cake. LOL!

    4. sure this is the right guy? This was written when he was 16?

    5. Tick Tock, The Mouse went up the Clock, the UnaBomber saw that the world was slipping down the Dock. Now to stop things like this in the future why don't we as a society better ourselves starting with example, this is what triggers these nuts in the first place. RIP

    6. Was he blowing up gays?

    7. He wrote this a month before his 18th birthday. Why is this far fetched?

  2. Gay Marriage illegal but bombing ok? Gotcha.

  3. Gay Marriage illegal but bombing ok? Gotcha.

    1. TOTALLY AGREE...LET"S BAN BOMBS!!! I suggest you march on Washington to ban bombs

    2. This is not a.motive. stupid terrorist. A shame to his family n to God. Rest in hell

    3. bombs are already illegal dingus

    4. and so are criminals possessing them but they do....dingus

    5. He didn't go to a bomb show and buy it with no trace. He built it himself and because of survallience protections, he got caught. Perfect argument for gun control, dumbass.

    6. Not exactly, Mr... Gun show firearms are almost never found to be used in crimes. It's just a knee jerk from you virtue signaling pussycrats. 30 years ago there was a gun in every truck in the high school parking lot, yet these shootings didn't happen.....gun problem or people problem? My vote is people problem. The way our society and schools are set up today renders young people unable to deal with emotion, defeat or criticism

    7. When you say people problem you need to qualify that as "american" people problem. Or the conclusion is that people in Europe are a different species of human, that's why they don't have gun problems.

    8. @Anon - Well you didn't address his statements really. The main point I gleamed from his commment is that these gunman are not getting their guns from Gun Shows (or use a "loophole" that does not exist), and these events didn't happen before the 90's which was before many of these ineffectual gun laws were put into place.

      So the conclusion people on the pro-gun rights side of the discussion take, is there is clearly a social and cultural shift that has happened over the last 40 years that we need to address. An issue that will worsen if not addressed. That is evidenced by how little these gun control measures have ever worked.

    9. Gun crime does happen in Europe and other western countries, with or without strict gun laws. However, countries have show huge against-trend up-shifts in other non-gun violence and deaths after restricting gun private gun ownership. The conclusion there is that, without guns, criminals use other weapons. Tragically, violence and murder victim rates get worse because law-abiding citizens are now totally helpless and waiting for authorities while they get robbed, raped and murdered.

      It is absolutely immoral, unjust, and disgusting to restrict someone's right to protect themselves from criminals. These laws directly harm and endanger smaller men and women who need a firearm to have a chance of surviving an attack by a larger stronger person. This has been understood for centuries.

  4. Typical homeschooled hate.

    1. Dude, I homeschool my kids and would never teach them this sort of shit.

    2. I'm sure you don't think you've transmitted any subtle "it's a pitched battle between good and evil in this world, that's why we homeschool our Christian warriors" AT ALL. /sarcasm.

    3. Not all homeschooled kids are taught religion either. All homeschool curriculums are not based on religion so I am confused by this stance. Some of us just want our kids to get a real education.

    4. Homeschool teaching hate?
      You may be the winner of the dumbest post of the month!

    5. Hating people who hate people doesn't solve the problem, and blaming things very large and diverse groups of people mildly vaguely associated with him is absurd.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Anyone who believes that public government schools give better educations, must have gone to a public school because they didn't actually check any facts before speaking.

      Publicly schooled kids regularly test below the average private and home schooled kids on SAT tests. It's not even a debate anymore. Home schooled kids test the highest out of all three groups.

  5. He graduated 1st in class from Jeremiah Home school co-op in bomb making and blowing up the black folk

  6. Wow clearly you are even more bigoted than ever before

  7. Replies
    1. I hate that I laughed at this

    2. You're tearing me apart LISSSSAAAAA

    3. Yeah, careful with the wide brush. A lot of people homeschool their children. It’s not just scary fundamentalist nutjobs anymore. I’d guess half or even more provide good well rounded legitimate education. (The other half still being scary fundamentalist nutjobs like our mad bomber here.)

    4. I would hire a homeschooled person over a public school one any day of the week ... and I work at a public school.

    5. I don’t teach religion as part of my kids’ curriculum. They have Sunday school at church for that, which we honestly rarely attend. My kids know about the Big Bang, they don’t think that dinosaurs are a Satanic hoax, and they all love to read the Captain Underpants books. I’d never teach my children to hate anyone else for being different, for being a different race, for being a different sexual orientation. I want my children to be decent human beings when they grow up, not emotionally stunted and brainwashed.

    6. Your children will be "decent" human beings that are socially and emotionally stunted because you've blocked them from the world. They'll grow up and not know how to handle themselves in a social environment and will likely end up hating people in general because of it. Hopefully they don't start blowing people up because of it.

    7. This person has provided no reason or valid argument to think that the other Anon's kids will be socially or emotionally stunted. Apparently, to this Anon, Home Schooling means locking your kid in a room and indoctrinating them with Christianity. (Private schools are where the more fundamentalist Christians go anyway)

      You really couldn't be farther from the truth. Home schooled kids not only test and place higher in college, but they are more likely to succeed in the real world. That's because they actually do live in the real world, every day. They are not protected from certain ideas or problems like modern schooling dictates, so they are taught HOW to think not WHAT to think.

      Studies are finding it is the public school kids who are testing lower and lower, and are un-socialized and emotionally stunted because they live in enclosed "bubbles", locked inside rooms trying to socialize through social media. Especially since Bush gave us the gift of enforced lower standards through No Child Left Behind.

      There is no evidence, other than the cost, to suggest that public schooling is better on any level. That is, unless you want your kid to be more likely to go to jail for drugs and other crimes, more likely to drop-out, more likely to have children out of marriage (has it's own statistical issues), more likely to be permanently poor etc.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I can't believe I ever slept with you... and then you came out to everyone as being gay?

    1. LOL Same, I ate his asshole and now I have gonorrhea

    2. You slept with this terrorist and he's gay? Like he came out after this post?

    3. May he rest in peace.

  10. Wow this page is the bomb

  11. Bussy is superior!

  12. You are a NUT (were) Good riddens. You sir are the weakest link, good bye.

  13. All of the lefty bullies are out...gee, I wonder why he chose austin.

    1. Because he’s a cowardly little bitch like 99% of Trump supporters. Can’t handle a debate, so they resort to violence.

    2. It's not difficult to see similarities of his rhetoric to the Trumpster (I laugh as I write Trumpster). So many of these conservatives can never argue a point without calling names and threatening violence. He actually went out because he couldn't argue his points with words, that he committed terror.

    3. Antifa is violent. Many of the mass shootings have been done by lefties. Sorry, but it's both sides that pull this shit.

    4. Really? You're an idiot. Where did you get your stats? Breitbart? Rarely if ever do people from the Left go out and mass kill people. It is almost without fail a RWNJ activity.

    5. Terrorists are overwhelmingly more likely to be conservative. Nice try. And trying to pull antifa into this. What's next, gonna try to blame it on Hillary? Whatabout whatabout whatabout--

      You dumbasses need to come up with some new tactics or something. It's ridiculous.

    6. please people, remember not to respond to the russian trolls. They often get paid by number of responses that they can generate with their trolling.


      We've come full circle. Liberals are contradictory morons who can only kill defenseless babies. That's why one failed to gun down unarmed republican senators at a ballpark in 2017.

    8. bullying dead terrorists seems like an acceptable target

    9. Looking at the right-wing cheerleaders on here, it's way past time we took out the trash.

    10. He is being judged accordingly, now.

      Bullying leads to this, and school shootings.

      It is not up to man to pass judgment, as so often happens.

      Doesn't anyone find it curious that there are No modern interpretations of God's will? God has changed his mind before, as is evident in the old and new testaments.

      Mankind has come a long way from those Times, when uncleanliness and lack of modern medicinal practices called for defining what was allowed love-wise, and what marriage could be.

      When they say no one listens to God anymore, they don't realise the extent of what they are saying.

      Christians are fallible, myself included.

      But that doesn't mean we have to be set in our ways to please God. Obeying God and Obeying the bible are two different things.

    11. WVUfan222 wrote: Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and muslim
      Adam Lanza - Liberal, hated Christians
      Columbine High School freaks - too young to vote but came from very liberal families
      Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - liberal freak
      Virginia Tech decapitater - liberal
      Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - liberal
      Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - liberal
      Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
      Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
      The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
      Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim democrat
      Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

      Want more examples of the violent left?...

      Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
      John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
      John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
      Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
      Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
      Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
      Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
      Black panther party - leftist based organization
      Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
      KKK- was spawn from democrats
      Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
      Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
      Slavery - Democrats were proponents.

    12. Nice alternative facts there comrade

    13. debunked:

    14. Unless you can find a direct correlation between the victims and the bombers political beliefs, this entire thread is totally irrelevant.

      Clearly being a liberal or a republican does not make one more likely to resort to violence, just like liking Pizza Hut or Domino doesn't. That's because there is nothing about the principles of either side that lead to violence.

      You'd have to dig deeper and find the individual's principles that do make him likely to use violence. Obviously that's why cops don't investigate terrorists according to bs group generalizations like comments are doing here.

    15. I mean seriously, can you guys generalize any more? Not a single argument. Talk about stupid, libs and repubs, you are making your "side" look even dumber.

      -"...Trump supporters. Can’t handle a debate, so they resort to violence." (Easily said about people from both sides, watch any citizen journalist asking questions at Right and Left protests)

      -"Liberals are contradictory morons" (same as above)

      -"similarities of his rhetoric to the Trumpster" (You don't even want to go down the list of liberal rhetoric that is literally the exact same as dictators and communists who killed 10's of millions of people in cold blood. Doesn't make a liberal more likely to behave the same as those dictators.)

      -"remember not to respond to the Russian trolls" (This is just a dumb non-argument trying to end debate by delegitimizing certain opinions and statements. Sounds suspiciously like what a troll would do lol)

      -"Nice alternative facts there comrade" (I wish this was obvious. Saying that someone has alternative facts is basically just saying you don't believe them, but without providing reasons why you don't believe them, so it's worse. Also, interesting phrase to use unironically, "alternative facts". It appears your regularly scheduled gas-lighting is working marvelously)

      **Good arguments are good arguments, and bad arguments are bad arguments, no matter who it comes from and no matter if you agree with it or not. Right Left or Troll. Unfortunately, some people are more interested in intellectually dishonest jabs at their political enemy, rather than discussion in good faith to find common ground.**

      This is exactly the type of cultural shift towards idiocy, which I think in part, can create people like the one that wrote this blog.

  14. You sounded like a very unintelligent person. I wish you'd gotten help. Do not rest in peace.

  15. Mark's a cool guy.

    1. Well, he will be once his core temperature drops down far enough to qualify as ‘cool’. Right now, his remains are probably still fairly warm actually, especially as he made them a bit hotter right at the end there...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "This comment has been removed by the author."

      Unfriended 2: The spectre of the wannabe Unabomber.

  17. Tim McVeigh beat your score by a lot rookie. Even the Boston bombers smh

  18. Your views on same-sex marriage seem congruent with your views on exploding innocent people.

    1. "Saying 'anal sex is bad' is equivalent to bombing people."
      The full intelligence and narcissism of liberals, everyone. Please click this link for your IQ assessment:

    2. No thanks Cambridge Analicker. Your queef stinks like a russian passing chemical gas.

    3. LOL Snowflake you smelled his queef? That's worse than being an analicker.

  19. I like minority snatch, feels better than white pussy.

  20. What is not natural about butt sex?

  21. "This comment has been removed by the author."

    Zombie alert.

  22. What is not natural about butt sex?

  23. You will be missed, I'm sure, by your family, but not by those you killed so cowardly. And committing suicide? Brave stance, dude.

    1. Committing suicide does require courage, especially in the case of those who have committed mortal sins.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Suicide is another sin right? But if prayed to you before blowing himself up all good. He is with you. Where ya at bro? Shady ass.

    4. Uhh suicide is a sin in Christianity, even if you pray to god about it... You're thinking of the wrong religion. ;)

  24. Am I the only one who believes this nightmare isn't over? Mark had roommates. Mark had many family members living near him. I cannot fathom that he honed his bomb-making skills on his own without raising suspicion. It has been widely reported that the bomber's skills were "sophisticated" and yet I cannot find a single account of this kid having a fascination with explosives. Sure...the investigation is fresh and details will be slow to surface. And yet my gut tells me there is more to this and the danger has not passed.

    1. Unlikely. Just keep safe. You'll be alright.

  25. all that reading of Drudge Report pushed him over the edge .. Typical right-wing domestic terrorist

  26. Betsy Devos would be so proud of this homeskool product. A racist, homophobic, anti-choice, ignorant, isolated, “Christian” young male who felt empowered to slaughter.

    1. you're either a shitdick fag or a woman...which is it?

    2. You're either his accomlise or twin....which is it?

    3. The right is consisted of intelligent warriors, the left is consisted of pansies who can only harm the right if they beg them to remain still. That's why you brag about sucker-punching Richard Spencer behind his back and why you hilariously failed at killing unarmed Congressman in 2017. You would be crushed in a war, with or without us.

    4. "consisted"

    5. Don't be too hard on him, it's probably more or less correct grammar in Russian.

  27. Good work LEOs... tagged and bagged.

  28. You all are posting on a 6 year old high school government class assignment.

    1. Yeah, because his viewpoints are typical right wing. Can’t wait to find his 4chan etc posts. MAGA!

    2. It appears you are doing the same, blackhawk.

    3. First intelligent post.

    4. WVUfan222 wrote: Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and muslim
      Adam Lanza - Liberal, hated Christians
      Columbine High School freaks - too young to vote but came from very liberal families
      Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - liberal freak
      Virginia Tech decapitater - liberal
      Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - liberal
      Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - liberal
      Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
      Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
      The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
      Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim democrat
      Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

      Want more examples of the violent left?...

      Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
      John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
      John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
      Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
      Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
      Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
      Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
      Black panther party - leftist based organization
      Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
      KKK- was spawn from democrats
      Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
      Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
      Slavery - Democrats were proponents.

    5. This failure of a list has been debunked thousands of times.

    6. He can't even prove that those shooters were liberals... lmfao.. Please post references asshole. Your opinion of what shooter is liberal or not doesn't mean shit. Most of them are conservatives.

  29. It is good that you are dead.

  30. For someone so adamant about not being a faggot, you sure died like one, STALE WHITE BREAD FAGGOT!

  31. Isn't it interesting that Internet Archive Wayback Machine has saved this site only on March 21, 2018? So, my second question is: who is the real author of this "blog"?

    1. It is easy. This blog is fairly unexposed (and remained inactive for over 5 years) until today it showed up in the news. The archive bots don't actively reach out to inactive, almost-no-traffic sites like this one - until it gets attention (a.k.a. referenced on much larger news sites)

    2. I found this page through a Google search, which says the page was created when the author says it was created, back in 2012. If you're visiting via Wayback, obviously someone saw the news reports, went to Wayback, and saved an image of the page as of today in the event that Blogspot or a family member took it down. As Unknown says, there was no reason to archive some rando kid's high school government project until the writer became national news years later. Google still has the original creation date, Wayback has the date the image was saved. Simple as that.

    3. @Unknown
      You can change the time stamps of wordpress blogs, idiot.

    4. @AnonymousMarch 21, 2018 at 9:29 AM - This isn't wordpress, idiot.

    5. Anonymous March 21, 2018 at 9:37 AM

      Hey idiot, there's a tutorial for editing blog posts:
      Keep self-owning yourself like the moron you are.

    6. Idiot, moron, idiot, anonymous, idiot

  32. I'm real fucking glad you are burning in hell. May your family also suffer for raising such a demonic person. Good Riddance!

  33. This isn't his blog at all. Lol at the unhinged leftists who believe in fake news.

    1. It's from 2012, How can you fake this back in 2012

    2. How do you know? And why would you "LOL" at people being upset about someone murdering people with bombs?

    3. It's a generic name in Texas, about as common as "Gonzalez".

    4. Waaah. Found out he's another homeschooled RWNJ so now it's FAAAKKKKEEE. Typical right. If I don't like it - it's not real. Moron.

    5. It's funny because people are blindly attributing it to the wrong person. It's like blaming Hurricane Katrina on gay frogs.

    6. @Unknown
      Never said that it was fictitious, just that that you were blaming the wrong blogger from the misinformation you've read on leftist trash like rawstory. Liberals are dumb to comprehend that though.

    7. You go ahead and keep believing that. Cambridge Analyticala can make you believe tubs of dogshit are chocolate pudding. They prey on weak yours.

    8. @MarkusGarvey
      In a span of two years, you hopped from Wikileaks, Russia, and now Cambridge Analyticala. What's the next boogeyman for idiotic bloggers like you? I bet you'll be dumb enough to blame aliens next.

    9. Assuredly, it is his blog. Why does this cause you such distress that people are posthumously deriding this vile piece of excrement?

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. A 5th generation TexanMarch 21, 2018 at 9:24 AM

    Glad you’re dead.

    1. Shoutout to all the hardworking people in law inforcement. Who knows how many lives you saved by finding this guy!

  35. Look at Maga maggots defending another domestic terrorist. Can't say he was bullied in school like your lame Cruz defense. Next phase crisis actor. Same old tin foil fodder.

    1. I like how leftists alternate between "EBIL RIGHT-WING KILLERS" and "dumb right-wing losers". Regardless, you're incompetent idiots who are only capable of killing defenseless babies. You failed at gunning down Republican senators in a ballpark in 2017

    2. But we will laugh as Maga commit suicide going down with trumptanic.

    3. WVUfan222 wrote: Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and muslim
      Adam Lanza - Liberal, hated Christians
      Columbine High School freaks - too young to vote but came from very liberal families
      Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - liberal freak
      Virginia Tech decapitater - liberal
      Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - liberal
      Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - liberal
      Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
      Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
      The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
      Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim democrat
      Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

      Want more examples of the violent left?...

      Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
      John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
      John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
      Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
      Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
      Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
      Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
      Black panther party - leftist based organization
      Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
      KKK- was spawn from democrats
      Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
      Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
      Slavery - Democrats were proponents...

    4. lol this list has been debunked thousands of times.

  36. My sister used to peg him up the tater. Man, those Antifa sex parties were crazy.

  37. Yes they were! Remember the Ted Cruz gloryhole?

  38. It would be appropriate to show some respect for the family of this man.

  39. You guys do realize. No one is born knowing how to make bombs. You do realize this is all fake. 2012 gimme a break he was 18. His mom has no pictures of him on her FB. She only mentions her daughter's

    1. Wrong he was 24 and a computer tech at a semiconductor plant for 5 years. Tell Alex Jones to have a heart attack. Thx.

    2. Yeah, she did have pictures of him. Where do you think the cops got his picture, you fucking retard? Do you MAGA fucks even research, or do you just parrot what Jim Bob Goatfucker said in a Trump group?

    3. I used to work with Mark. We sucked each others dick a couple times. He said he could never be gay cos his super crazy Christian family would disown him. This is what you get when psychotic religions rule the world...if your religion tells you its a sin to love someone your religion is EVIL...

  40. "Homosexuality is not natural. Just look at the male and female bodies. They are obviously designed to couple. The natural design is apparent. It is not natural to couple male with male and female with female." These are completely factual statements. I would also add that homosexual sex is forbidden by God, and repeatedly stated to be sinful in both the Old Testament and the New. This is the most important argument for outlawing homosexual sex.

    1. About you showed up bitchboy you're late! You warned your followers for 2000 years then these apes voted for the Anti christ!

    2. God is not real, your argument is invalid.

    3. LOLZ. Christian extremists "YES YES YES PREACH MARK CONDITT PREACH" ITS OKAY YOURE A MURDERER AS LONG AS YOU DON'T LIKE IT IN THE BUTT" For real?! Gimmme a break. This guys a fucking lunatic

    4. Jesus Christ was gay. He was one of the best catchers in his day. They called him the "Arse of Steel." His dad on the other hand, isn't even real.

    5. It's not every day that you see Jesus Christ Himself endorsing a mass murderer.

    6. Yes Jesu swhat is to that story about you spending a fort night with a young lad and showing him the kingdom of heaven? Please clarify. Thx. Oh and was the last supper really your wedding to John your disciple? Enquiring minds want to know!

    7. God doesn't exist and the definition of what is "natural" is completely arbitrary.

    8. 1) You're not Jesus Christ, he's a mere man who has been dead for a couple millenia.
      2) The bible was written by men who were homophobes, while the real Jesus blessed the Centurion and his sick pais (a purchased husband).
      3) God might not exist.
      4) The US is not a Christian nation. Same sex marriage has been a legal right here since 2014. Get used to that. And let's all be tolerant so long as no one tries to quash other people's right to live their lives as they see fit. If you don't try to invalidate our marriages, we won't ask the government to tax your churches.

    9. I used to work with Mark. We sucked each others dick a couple times. He said he could never be gay cos his super crazy Christian family would disown him. This is what you get when psychotic religions rule the world...if your religion tells you its a sin to love someone your religion is EVIL...

  41. Here's a letter that dares not let Mr. Mark Conditt off the hook. It's all here: the compromises, the backstabbings, the attempts to resort to ad hominem attacks on me and my family. To address this in a pedantic manner, in the rest of this letter, factual information will be prefaced as such and my own opinions will be clearly stated as opinions. For instance, it is a fact that I recently stated that few things are more sanctified to him than deconstructionism. I had considered my comment to be fairly anodyne, but Mark went into quite a swivet over it. I guess if he found that sort of comment offensive, he should honestly cover his ears when I state that if you were to try to tell his satraps that he is like a parrot that makes noises for attention without any kind of clue as to what it is saying, they'd close their eyes and put their hands over their ears. They are, as the psychologists say, in denial. They don't want to hear that while Mark contends that some people deserve to feel safe while others do not, reality dictates otherwise. Actually, if you want a real dose of reality, look at how I've known a number of honorable people who have laid down their lives to follow through on the critical work that has already begun. Without exception, these people understood deeply that if Mark feels ridiculed by all the attention my letters are bringing him, then that's just too darn bad. His arrogance has brought this upon himself.

    Some amount of criticism is acceptable, even helpful. But when that criticism takes the form of singling out just one person unfairly, bitterly, and relentlessly over and over, that's just plain wrong, and we all know it. Well, Mark obviously doesn't know it, as evidenced by the fact that he has written more than his fair share of lengthy, overworded, pseudo-intellectual tripe. In all such instances Mark conveniently overlooks the fact that all he really wants is to hang onto the perks he's getting from the system. That's all he really cares about. Mark has tried twisting the truth. He has also tried spawning a society in which those with the most deviant lifestyle, despicable behavior, or personal failures are given the most by the government. Why does Mark do such things? We already have our answer: As a respected journalist put it, “Scrutinizing Mark's vituperations may be instructive in this regard.” She probably could have added that Mark alleges that he is a bearer and agent of the Creator's purpose. Has anyone, at any time, ever been more wrong? In answer to that question I submit—and millions of people in this country and abroad undeniably agree with me—that it's possible that my efforts to tell the truth about Mark lead Mark to pray for my effacement as fervently as I pray for his. However, I cannot speculate about that possibility here because I need to devote more space to a description of how some grotty sots actually maintain that children should get into cars with strangers who wave lots of yummy candy at them. This is the kind of muddled thinking that Mark is encouraging with his claims. Even worse, all those who raise their voice against this brainwashing campaign are denounced as uneducated, soporific crybabies. Although I've reached the end of this letter, I'm not going to sit down. I'm not going to shut up. I'm only going to redouble my efforts to give you some background information about Mr. Mark Conditt.

  42. So glad you're dead...

  43. Relative's comments are always interesting:

    That he could be a skilled bombmaker responsible for at least six explosive devices, five of which detonated, over an almost three-week period in Austin and outside San Antonio seemed unthinkable to his grandmother, she said, adding that he was a quiet, kind and loving person and she'd never seen any signs of malice or violence in him.
    "Oh my gosh, no," Mary Conditt said, speaking on the phone from Colorado. "If anything he's low-key and peaceful."
    Here's what else we know about the man accused of the deadly explosions:

    "He's from a family that is so tight, that works so hard to raise their children correctly. It's just horrible," Mary Conditt said.

  44. methinks thou doth protest too much.

    I note, also, that many of the arguments along this path (the parts is parts argument) object most vociferously to male homosexuality. Their argument, as it ignores female homosexuality entirely, is that they find gay male sex, well, icky.

    Icky. That's not really an argument for you inserting your opinion into marriages that have zero effect on you.

    Shorter: Ew, icky. I'll stick to biggoty....

    1. It’s a mental disease brought on through grooming or child rape.

  45. You cannot hate him...he was in his own World,perhaps 20th century or back.

    1. I used to work with Mark. We sucked each others dick a couple times. He said he could never be gay cos his super crazy Christian family would disown him. This is what you get when psychotic religions rule the world...if your religion tells you its a sin to love someone your religion is EVIL...

  46. Does homeschool curriculum include physics,chemistry or even chemistry?How was he even to assemble a bomb.

  47. From the mind of a terrorist....

  48. Has anyone else noticed how the details to this story keeps changing?

    1. Thats how it always is with sensational crime. If you want facts come back in a month

  49. Look at all these March 21st cry babies. Liberals need to fucking die!!

    1. You go first, Trump-loving fuckstick. Do the world a favor and deep throat an AR-15.

    2. You busy huffing Trump's rod over there?

  50. It's nice to see you claiming this Conservative, White, home-schooled male. He was a terrorist, are you proud of what your ideology has wrought?

    1. He is a Radical Christian Terrorist.

  51. Odd things about this blogger page:
    - Username is Tavar - meaning/significance?
    - For someone posting opinions on such controversial topics publicly, why would he willingly share his first and last name and the city/state he lives?

  52. Mark please call me I think you may have given me HIV from our Gay Sex encounter

  53. I used to work with Mark. We sucked each others dick a couple times. He said he could never be gay cos his super Christian family would disown him. This is what you get when psychotic religions rule the world...if your religion tells you its a son to love someone your religion is EVIL...

  54. Russians!

  55. Tavar name meaning: Misfortune. It is also the name of a mountain in northern Israel.
    Name Origin: The name Tavar is very likely a(n) Aramaic variant of the name Tavor.
    Other Tavar’s:
    “The Fort” Tavar in the video game Elex
    Tavar Zawacki (aka “Above”) the famous street artist

  56. A true MAGA patriot gave his last full measure of devotion last night. Mark Anthony Condit - American Patriot. RIP

  57. Pink Pistols member here. Thanks for the reminder that evil exists. Burn in hell. Got nothing for bombers no matter what causes they say they support... such a cowardly way to kill people you don't even dare look in the eyes.

  58. Burn in Hell you homeschool Jesus freak. I hope your parents never have one day of peace. Shame on them for creating such a monster.

  59. So many speak out about how we as a country need to come together and quit the prejudice against one another. To show understanding and love to one another. I couldn't agree more! The sad reality about these statements is that the very ones who raise the most noise about it are the ones who keep prejiduce stirred up. I read one of the comments where one says, " I'm so glad your dead ". Another one says, " Congratulations I know a christian we can force to make the wedding cake ". My case and point. You both obviously choose to have a same sex relationship but yet you harshly attack an individual who has a different view than your own. That's prejudice. We can't raise our voices against being prejudice but yet use it as deadly artillery in word or action when it suits our offended ego. Let's be more mature than that and not make life about ourselves but try to gain understanding about someone elses situation, life, reason, way of thinking ect. If we want to genuinely make a change we have to practice what we preach and walk the walk other wise it's hypocrisy and unproductive to the change we seek.

  60. I'm not gay, but I challenge anyone to convert me.

  61. This kid doesn't look white. He looks like a 13 year old computer scientist.


    1. lmao see? this is what 99% of christans are like. crazy ppl who think the world revolves around them and their beliefs...

    2. look at this bitches facebook lmaoOOOO

    3. How about you shut up & go away. This isn't your blog. People are paying their disrespect to this piece of crap, let them do that.

    4. Edna seems to think that the FBI will take interest in her cut and paste exercises. Religious retardation right there...

    5. This fat stupid hick broad's Facebook page is fucking hilarious. Go die in a fire, stupid.

  63. And you're a fucking faggot that blew himself up. Rest in piss, cunt.

  64. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  65. As the Bible predicted, Christians will be hated and persecuted more than any other religion. I don’t know the religion of the man who killed these people but the hate some of your are spewing against Christians completely unrelated to this man is evil but predictable. Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.” John 15:18-21
