Friday, April 13, 2012

My view on free abortions

    In her post on contraception, Juliana Solitro make the argument that all women should be given "preventative medicine", a.k.a.: abortions, free of charge, regardless of their walk in life.  I disagree.

    First, if a women does not want a baby, or is incapable of taking care of one, she should not participate in activities that were made for that reason.

    Second, if we are going to give women free abortions, why not give men free condoms, or the like?  Is it not up to the couple to take these preventive measures? 

    This is just my view on the subject, but if you can't provide for a child, then don't have sex.


  1. Another home-schooled genius. Your family taught you this crap and they are responsible for how you ended up - a racist POS.

    1. Whites will be a minority by the 2040's, enjoy it while it lasts

    2. I'm an atheist and liberal and I homeschool my kid. In fact, my kid's now taking concurrent college and high school credits at the same time, in classes she could not have taken if she had stayed in public schools. Add to that the fact that she's no longer being harassed by boys in her high school (they would grab her and corner her), and she's far happier as a person now.

    3. self hating soy boy wants all whites to die but I have no the feeling of suprise when liberals enthusiastically cheer whites increasing minority status, they spew their disgusting anti white rhetoric in the media, on tumblr, etc. But of course it backfires. They all wonder why Trump won, Why there is so much opposition to Marxist subversion, why right wing groups are on the rise.
      I love that the left’s artificial anti-white marxist agenda backfires on them. Cant wait for the left’s reaction when Trump wins in 2020

    4. Well, it appears the disease of hate becomes more contagious on a daily basis. I am just not sure who is infected with it more. But it's apparent you all show the symptoms.

    5. Hilarious! "... when Trump wins in 2020". Really? He won't be winning anything in 2020,since Orange Hitler is gonna be perp-walked out of the White House sooner or later.

    6. Just because you don't agree with their parenting decisions doesn't mean they're responsible for the monster their son turned out to be.

      Plenty of kids are homeschooled by fundies and don't turn out like that. Don't be an asshole just because you can post anonymously. Think about how that reflects on you and how you feel about yourself when you act like this.

    7. You forgot the bombs hurt whites too, genius.

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  2. And so he self-aborted himself. I hope his mother makes the same self-abort decision.

    1. That's a terrible thing to say

    2. He murdered several people in cold blood, fuck him

    3. you are just spreading more hate by saying this. Yeah, what he did was awful and fucked up. Literally no one disagrees with that. But wouldn't it be best to just keep it to ourselves and not give him the hatred he so obviously was craving??

    4. yes you are right--but these awful events often trigger something else in each of us and brings it to the fore

    5. and so, Americans become more divided

  3. Right, because women make babies by themselves. Is this the brilliance your mother/teacher taught you?

  4. Hey this guy could run for Republican office! Oh wait, he killed himself? Darn.

    1. doesn't matter! those assholes will vote for ANYONE, alive or dead. All you have to do is put a little (R) next to their name, and their glassy-eyed, zombie-like followers will vote him in

  5. He does (did) know that ANYBODY can get free condoms, right?

  6. Homeskooled idjit.


  8. Mark, we pray for your soul, and for those who you killed and wounded, and their families. Have to say you had or embodied some kind of sickness (aka sin). And there but by the grace of God go I. Prayers fou your family also.

    1. " And there but by the grace of God go I. "

      seriously? get some help, dir/ma'am. if you are identifying this closely with a disturbed terrorist who killed people b/c of his "imaginary friend in the sky"(allegedly)---who's to say YOU aren't thinking of doing something similar? I sincerely hope you're not, you will just provide further proof of the illegitimacy of your religion.

      what an incredibly self-serving post this was! you addressed the dead terrorist as if he could hear you (news flash--he's dead), and you extended only the briefest, most cursory condolences to his family! (THOSE folks' lives now suck a LOT) to you, what his family now has to go thru is merely an "afterthought".

      you sir/ma'am, are the very picture of religious entitlement.

      also, great job helping to glorify his name by repeating it! /s

    2. God is a bitch and so was Mark. Die in a fire, stupid.

  9. Libturds ! Lol !

    1. He was hardly a libturd. In fact, he was a homeschooled Christian.

    2. His mother's quote about him going on a mission implies to me that he was a homeschooled mormon in particular. I don't know why, but for me, that makes it even worse.

  10. Hope you burn in hell you son of a bitch...!!!

  11. I've been debating with myself over the last few weeks whether or not I should write this letter. Obviously, I outvoted myself and wrote it. I concluded I absolutely had to tell you that the surest way for Mr. Mark Conditt's spin doctors to succeed is for them to cause new and possibly irreversible damage to the democratic ethos and institutions that have already been weakened by Mark's savage campaigns of malice and malignity. The issue here is that I am stunned that Mark would state publicly that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all completely justified. I prefer to think that he's saying such lusk things as a rhetorical device. The other two possibilities—that he's too ignorant to know better or, worse, that his judgment has been impaired by fogyism—are too horrible to contemplate.

    We must give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. In what should come as a surprise to almost nobody, as Mark matures emotionally he'll eventually grow out of his present way of thinking and come to realize that when it comes to his diatribes, I certainly insist that we have drifted along for too long in a state of blissful denial and outright complacency. It's time to shape a world of dignity and harmony, a world of justice, solidarity, liberty, and prosperity. The sooner we do that the better because he's the type of person who will trump up any lie for the occasion, and the more of a thumper it is, the better Mark likes it. Before you read this letter, you might have thought that we ought to worship the most prurient swindlers I've ever seen as folk heroes. Now you know that Mr. Mark Conditt conducts himself in a superciliously pompous manner.

    1. LOL the only pompous sounding fool is you LMAO

    2. First, you do know he is dead... right? This blog was also done back in 2012 when he was 16 or 17. From what I've read it was done for a class he was taking.

  12. Abortion is an elective procedure, not a necessary one, except in extremely few cases. If abortion is paid for by the government, then other elective procedures such as dental crowns and implants, plastic surgery, and hair implants should be paid for by the government as well. This is only consistent reasoning.

    Mr. Conditt should have used this argument.

    1. He aborted himself today and the world is better off so you can join him

    2. Except that if you read the article he is commenting on, it’s not about free abortions, it’s about free contraception and how that would help avoid abortions for low income women. So he was just another illiterate Texan.

    3. The truth is, he was a highly intelligent young man with a fair perspective on all views of life. I couldn't imagine being his age having the knowledge, emotion, sensitivity, and understanding of which is happening in so many aspects of the world. There is no excuse for Mark's actions when someone is killed and there is not excuse for Planned Parenthood when they told me so many years ago my baby was just a blob of nothing. If I knew then what I Know now.......

    4. Planned Parenthood had science on its side. Sounds like you want a scapegoat for a decision you regret or, more likely, you are posting fiction to make a political point. You choose whether to see a fetus as a blob of cells versus the precursor to a child based on your spiritual beliefs or your emotional connection to said blob.

    5. Science? Can you show me one article that scientifically denies that fetus is a real baby? Can you show me an article that says when the fetus turns into the baby so that I know when to stop aborting? Or should we talk about the homicide law that says if a man shot a woman who was pregnant one day or 100 days, he will be charged for two murders? Don't get your heart get so cold and don't believe these lies. Children are killed day and night because of our selfishness : we want college edu, we want to have fun, we fun to have a good life without a BURDEN. so the kid is out. And it just so happens that I can now do away with my evil by saying it was never a real baby. How convenient. Stop believing lies... research doctors that did abortions for decades, listen to what they say and how horrid the industry is. Or have you not heard of a doctor who, while killing a later term baby, the baby reached out and grabbed on to his finger while he was trying to rip him apart. Now that's a story CNN would never post. Or planned parenthood.

    6. Thank you for that. They have nothing to say to it, do they?

  13. Too bad the terrorist bomber wasn't aborted.

    1. You are Still here (: and your mouth is so nasty I would wash it out with soap if i was your mother. Not saying Mark wasn't evil in his doings but your mouth is just as evil; you kill him with it, while he killed with bombs.

  14. What if the guy who wrote this is not the bomber? Might be just a name coincidence ...

    1. Now, that would be hilarious.

    2. Hahaha, I'm totally with ya there, that would be absolutely hilarious!

  15. More likely, Russians trolling, stiring you all up!

  16. the blog post he wrote about doesn't speak of "preventative contraception" as being abortion. she actually says that it would prevent abortions.

  17. What a surprise, some white-homeschooled-kid-from-Texas-turned-domestic-terrorist had shitty opinions. Too bad his mother didn't abort him, but at least we can be glad he didn't get a chance to pass on his genes

    1. Feels good to put a label eh? Only the problem is that all people are capable of this evil. It comes out of hearts.. just like lust, malice, jealousy, anger and everything else does. And some snap, some dont. But it has nothing to do with race, gender, school origin, or anything else. It has to do with hearts. Babies throwing fits out of rage for not getting their way is as early as it starts. Don't be too proud to admit that we are all in the same boat. This should be a wake up call to grieve and help, not another hateful speech.

    2. We are not in the same boat, because we are not all terrorists. Whenever I snap, I cry and eat a bowl of ice cream - I don't kill people. This was a heart full of hate and ignorance, and the world is better off without him in it.

      Also, he was a white homeschooled kid from Texas that turned terrorist. This is not a label, this is a fact.

  18. to All of you who have just nasty and horrid things to say: while he killed physically, you all kill with your mouth and heart. People died, families are broken, and instead of weeping at all this with sorrow you all run your nasty mouths with hearts as cold as stone. You are in the same boat as he is, don't you doubt for a moment. For out of the heart comes all wickedness like evil thoughts, anger, malice, envy and that defiles a person. We are all defiled as people but I am really astonished at the lack of compassion and common sense to grieve and not hate in situations like these. Become mature people and show some respect, if you even know what that is.

    1. Well said! Many of the people making these horrid comments are examples of why some people become mental.
      I think many also fail to realize he was 16 or 17 when he wrote this blog and from what I've read it was done for a class he was taking. We have no idea what happened in his life between then and now for him to do these horrid acts.

    2. Yup.. i so agree... I actually read some of these comments yesterday and it was so disturbing I had a hard time sleeping last night seeing how evil people are getting with every generation. I don't judge them but I feel so sad that we as a society can't have an attitude of compassion and grieve properly as well as to reach out and help. It is good to see that I'm not the only one here who still has some thinking left. People are too consumed with living by emotions and feelings of logical thinking. Just blabbing their mouths without any restraint and realization that their words either kill or heal.

  19. This little boy was ignorant and sad. What's some of yalls excuse. Abortion (or death in this case) is a choice... Do #you if you feel its neccesary. Do what thy will, no? God makes no mistakes, even in how he moves us at times. Carry #on...

  20. Sadly it doesn't look like reproductive education was part of this child's homeschooling. Or, it was, from the scientifically incorrect view that all birth control is abortion.

    Medical ethics classes would have potentially taught him the principle of "double effect" and how methods that suppress ovulation successfully (Nexplanon, for example, stops cycling completely in most women, and stops the LH surge that triggers ovulation, so even though it also leads to an inhospitable uterine lining the studies involving ultrasound and blood tests to examine how it's working show its amazing effectiveness is because it suppresses ovulation so well) do not allow an egg to be fertilized, therefore no conception, therefore no abortion.

    Also, he apparently wasn't ever told he could go to the health department and grab a handful of condoms, along with seeing a bunch of signs encouraging people to get tested (which are good, but are still scary enough to balance the message being sent -- condoms aren't 100%).

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